Investment Review 2017-09-27

HSI Drop Sharply on Monday.  Return has been down to 56% yesterday.  

Market News:
The prospect of the portfolio, with focus in tier-2 stocks, is looking good in the coming month => Over weight.    

Holding Period Return: 77.6%  (Vs 78.4%) 
Risk: 31.4%
Sharpe Ratio : 0.22 (vs 0.16) 

Weekly Actions
Sell : 
3333 恆大
-0285 比亞迪電子 ; 0148 建滔化工 ; 1888 建滔積層板
- HSI Sep 
Buy :  
- 0960 龍湖地產 : Company BuyBack
0027 銀河娛樂
- 2343 太平洋航運 (摩根士丹利價2.38元)
- HSI Oct

  1. “One-belt One-Road” 3808中國重汽 , 3339 中國龍工
  2. Consumer stocks : 175 吉利汽車.
  3. Technology Stocks, such as 0700 Tencent, 0522
  4. AH stocks :  2238 廣汽集團 0358 江西銅業股份 
  5. Real Estate : 3333 恆大 2007 碧桂園 & 0960 龍湖地產
  6. Commodity : 0323 馬鞍山鋼鐵股份,1313 華潤水泥控股 
  7. Others: 1919 中遠海控



Investment Review 2017-10-02

Investment Review 2017-10-29

投資者日誌 2018-01-01