Investment Review 2017-08-27

As expected, HSI is still on the rise.  Tier-2 stocks, the core stocks, are doing really well.  Blue chips are doing fine, such as Chinese Banks and insurance company.  

Two typhoons has hit the Macau badly in the past 4 days and the entertaining business will be bad in the next couple of week.  It is time to DUMP & SHORT ! Other the other hand, real estate companies in China is doing great this year so far, and are expected doing great again in the coming months.

As mentioned, the portfolio heavily invested in tier-2 stocks and has low co-relation with the HSI index.   This strategy is doing fine so far, and the risk is well managed at 30.9%.   The portfolio take advantage of this and will hold 30% of HIS in the future.

Competition Ranking

My portfolio is in top 4 in term of return and rank number ONE, with another top contestant,  in term of Sharpe Ratio.  I am definitely in the game.

Market News:

The US dollar has dropped more than 10% in the past six months, the spread of AH stocks is widen. Guess it is a good time to have look to those AH stocks.  The portfolio will hold on small infra-structure stocks such as  1618 and 3339, and consumer stocks such as 175, 27 and 700.     

Holding Period Return: 43.23%
Risk : 30.94%

Weekly Actions
Sell : 
- 27 : Dump & Short with expected price $43. 
Buy :  
688 中國海外 : Traditional Sales seasons.   
- 2600 中國鋁業 : Government supply side policy 
- 323 馬鋼 : Rising wholesale price

  1. “One-belt One-Road” related stocks, such as 1157, 3339, 1618 
  2. China Consumer related stocks, such as 175 .
  3. China Financial related stocks, such as 3988 Bank of China. 
  4. Technology Stocks, such as 0700 Tencent, 1478, 0522
  5. AH stocks : 1618 中國中冶 2238 廣汽集團 0358 江西銅業股份 
  6. Real Estate : 3333 恆大 2007 碧桂園 & 688 中國海外
Current Allocation:
  1. “One-belt One-Road” 15%
    1. 2338 濰柴動力
    2. 3339 中國龍工
    3. 1157 中聯重科 
  2. Automobile 1%
    1. 2333 長城汽車 (back to 7.5%) 
    2. 0175 吉利汽車
    3. 2238 廣汽集團
  3. Paper 15%
    1. 2269 玖龍紙業 (Net profit 3.6% -> 10.0%) 
    2. 2314 理文造紙
    3. 1812 晨鳴紙業 PE 8.3 
  4. Real Estate 15%
    1. 3333 中國恒大
    2. 2007 碧桂園
    3. 688 中國海外
  5. Financial 
    1. 0939 建設銀行 (5%)
  6. Technology 10%
    1. 0700 Tencent (5%) 
    2. 2018 瑞聲科技 
  7. Shipping
    1. 2343 太平洋航運 (5%)
    2. 1919 中遠海控
    3. 0323 馬鞍山鋼鐵股份 (5%)
    4. 1313 華潤水泥控股 (5%) 
  8. Consumer
    1. 0027 銀河娛樂 (-7.5%)
    2. 1929 周大福



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Investment Review 2017-10-29

投資者日誌 2018-01-01