Investment Review 2017-08-06

The Hang Seng index has been rising in the past seven month.  That is amazing, having said that, rule is mean to be broken.  My guess is : there is still room for Hang Seng index.

The portfolio, with a lot of infra-structure stocks and cyclical stocks, appears to have very low, if not negative, co-relation with Hang Seng index.  As a result, a couple of Hang Seng future contract were bought to manage the portfolio risk.   A portfolio with high return and low co-relation with the bench mark, that is more than I bargain for.

Regarding to the competition, I was in top 5 in term of return and rank number two in term of Sharpe Ratio.  It is looking good and I expect to do better in August.

Market News:

The US dollar has dropped more than 10% in the past six months, the spread of AH stocks is widen. Guess it is a good time to have look to those AH stocks.  The portfolio will hold on small infra-structure stocks such as  1618 and 3339, and consumer stocks such as 175, 27 and 700.     

Holding Period Return: 34.7%

Weekly ActionsSell : 
- 1157 for profit taking 
Buy : 
- 27 : The recovery of Macau business appears to be better than expected
- 175 : The industry index shows improvement of car sales.  
- 700 : Time to diversify for risk management 

  1. “One-belt One-Road” related stocks, such as 1157, 3339, 1618 
  2. China Consumer related stocks, such as 175 & 2333.
  3. China Financial related stocks, such as 3988 Bank of China. 
  4. Technology Stocks, such as 0700 Tencent, 1478, 0522
  5. AH stocks : 1618 中國中冶 2238 廣汽集團 0358 江西銅業股份 991 大唐發電
Current Allocation:
  1. “One-belt One-Road” 15%
    1. 2338 濰柴動力
    2. 3339 中國龍工
    3. 1157 中聯重科 
  2. Automobile 1%
    1. 2333 長城汽車 (back to 7.5%) 
    2. 0175 吉利汽車
    3. 2238 廣汽集團
  3. Paper 15%
    1. 2269 玖龍紙業 (Net profit 3.6% -> 10.0%) 
    2. 2314 理文造紙
    3. 1812 晨鳴紙業 PE 8.3 
  4. Real Estate 15%
    1. 3333 中國恒大
    2. 2007 碧桂園
  5. Financial 
    1. 0939 建設銀行 (5%)
  6. Technology 10%
    1. 0700 Tencent (5%) 
    2. 2018 瑞聲科技 
  7. Shipping
    1. 2343 太平洋航運 (5%)
    2. 1919 中遠海控
    3. 0323 馬鞍山鋼鐵股份 (5%)
    4. 1313 華潤水泥控股 (5%) 
  8. Consumer
    1. 0027 銀河娛樂 7.5%
    2. 1929 周大福



Investment Review 2017-10-02

Investment Review 2017-10-29

投資者日誌 2018-01-01