Investment Review 2017-06-01

Having been invested with Interactive Brokers system, it is time to use the portfolio rebalancer to better control the asset allocation.

  1. “One-belt One-Road” related stocks, such as 1766 CRRC. 
  2. China Consumer related stocks, such as 2333 Great-Wall motor.
  3. China Financial related stocks, such as 3988 Bank of China. 
  4. Technology Stocks, such as 0700 Tencent, 2018, 0522
Current Allocation:
  1. “One-belt One-Road” 10%
    1. 2338 濰柴動力
    2. 3339 中國龍工
  2. Automobile 15%
    1. 2333 長城汽車
    2. 0175 吉利汽車
  3. Paper 15%
    1. 2269 玖龍紙業
    2. 2314 理文造紙
  4. Real Estate 15%
    1. 3333 中國恒大
    2. 2007 碧桂園
  5. Financial 
    1. 0939 建設銀行 (5%)
  6. Technology 10%
    1. 0700 Tencent (5%) 
  7. Shipping
    1. 2343 太平洋航運 (5%)
    2. 0323 馬鞍山鋼鐵股份 (5%)
  8. Consumer
    1. 0027 銀河娛樂 7.5%
    2. 1929 周大福



Investment Review 2017-10-02

Investment Review 2017-10-29

投資者日誌 2018-01-01